The Importance of Saying ‘Sorry’

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber, who was discovered via Youtube, went from a young and innocent boy from Stratford, Ontario to Hollywood bad boy in less than a couple years. In 2015 Justin was sued by his neighbour whose house he egged. Jeff Schwartz, the neighbour, wants to be compensated for the emotional distress he says he and his family suffered at the hands of the singer and his entourage.

Bieber plead no contest to the vandalism charges and was put on probation, and was also forced to pay out $80,000 for the repairs.  The neighbour also claims the egg incident was the just culmination of months of the musician terrorising his Calabasas neighbourhood, with loud parties, drag races, and he even claimed Bieber spat on him once, something the singer denies.

Another incident involved Bieber peeing into a mop bucket instead of going to a bathroom like a civilized person. This incident was caught on camera and further embarrassed the star.

Finally, Justin Bieber was arrested for a DUI, drag racing and resisting arrest. Bieber was taken into custody and transported to the police department where his blood alcohol level was tested. Law enforcement sources say Justin was given a field sobriety test at the scene and failed. He was then taken to jail where he was booked and processed.

Turning point720x405-Screen-Shot-2015-02-17-at-1.35.38-PM

After this rough stretch (for him, for humanity), he began 2015 with an apology tour, first releasing a video in January on his Facebook page addressing his recent problems, after an awkward appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to say he wasn’t proud of how he acted in the recent past, telling his laptop’s camera, “I’m not who I was pretending to be,” and, “I want to make the best impression on people and be kind and loving and soft.” The next week he went back on The Ellen Degeneres Show to further explain the feelings he expressed in the video.

Now that he’s confessed, the Comedy Central roast would be his public penance, a place to take his lashes and then hopefully move on. Kevin Hart introduced the roast as “possibly the beginning and the end of Justin Bieber.”


For the most of taping, Bieber seemed to be enduring and often enjoying the abuse he was taking. At the end of his time, Bieber abruptly switched tone and solemnly asked for forgiveness. His willingness to pay his dues, to be roasted and in the end not roast back – which was tradition – but instead apologize quickly and started to change the publics mind.

After “sorry” this is the end of apology tour

Justin-Bieber-Sorry-2015-1500x1500-e1450728864520The most important move Justin Bieber made was ending his apology tour. Once he released his song, “Sorry” he made it known that from this point on he was a different man. That he felt remorse but he needed to take the next steps in his life.

This was all a perfectly laid PR masterpiece. The thing with masterpieces is is you really only get them once. Time will show if he will fall back into his old ways or if this new Bieber is here to stay.

Until then, it looks like the world is full of beliebers.

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